Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language. An extended model of the HTML language that allows absolute positioning of page elements and better control over events. Supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 and higher, and gradually being incorporated into Netscape since version 4.0.
Domain name system. An Internet service that converts written domain names (www.yourdomain.com) into numeric IP addresses (123.456.789.999). Every time a domain name is invoked, a DNS server must translate that name into the corresponding IP address so that the web server can access it. See also: IP address.
Domain name
A unique address that identifies each website. A domain name consists of the webservers name, the domain name and the top-level domain/country code (i.e. .com, .net or .at - Austria, .de - Germany, .jp - Japan etc.) Every domain name has a corresponding IP number. See also: IP address
Dots per inch. A unit used to measure the resolution of printing devices. Sometimes also used to describe a monitor's screen resolution or a scanner's input resolution. The higher the dot count, the higher the resolution.
Digital Subscriber Line. DSL refers to several digital communications technologies which enable high-speed, two-way data transfers over ordinary telephone lines. See also: ADSL